In this article, we’ll be showcasing the rarest pets of all time in Pet Simulator X.
Some of these pets are known to be myths, and this will be the first time they’re shown. These pets include one-of-one’s, super exclusive developer pets, admin pets, and more.
Let’s dive into the list of the rarest pets in Pet Simulator X, in no particular order.
- Blade / Blady
- Huge Hippo Melon
- Dark Matter Banana
- Lucky Block Pets
- Crowned Pets
- Dark Matter Signature Big Mascot
Blade / Blady

CHANCE | Developer-exclusive pet |
The first pet on our list is a developer pet added for Day David, also known as ForeverDev. This pet is called Blade or Blady. It’s an extremely rare owl-like pet, with only around 15 to 20 believed to exist. Blade has 10 billion power and comes with Gifts 1 and Super Teamwork abilities. However, it is currently unobtainable.
Huge Hippo Melon

CHANCE | Extremely low, since it is a one-of-one pet owned by only one player. |
The Huge Hippo Melon is a one-of-one pet owned by only one player in Pet Simulator X. There are two other rare versions of the Hippo Melon: a one-of-one with two power and a rainbow shiny variant that was once sold for 700 billion gems. The Huge Hippo Melon has a power ranging from 40 billion to 50 billion.
Dark Matter Banana

CHANCE | Low chance, as only 15 to 20 Dark Matters are believed to exist, making it very rare. |
The Dark Matter Banana pet is an extremely rare pet, with only around 15 to 20 Dark Matters believed to exist. This pet is named Winston and has 60 power. However, it doesn’t have any special bonuses or superpowers.
Lucky Block Pets

CHANCE | Very low, as only six exist and most are owned by developers. |
Lucky Block Pets are a set of three different pets: Yellow, Blue, and Pink. Only six exist, and the rest are owned by developers. These pets were introduced by Adam, one of the developers of Pet Simulator X. They have regular abilities like other exclusive pets and are named after their colors.
Related | How Do You Trade in Pet Simulator X?
Crowned Pets

CHANCE | o obtain these pets, you would need to be one of the top spenders in the game, which is difficult and expensive. |
Crowned pets include the Huge Crown Pegasus, Huge Crown Corgi, and Huge Crown Cat. To obtain these pets, players had to be in the top 250, 50, or 10 spenders in Pet Simulator X, respectively. These pets are similar to huge pets but have a crown on top and emit cool particles.
Dark Matter Signature Big Mascot

CHANCE | Virtually impossible, as it is a one-of-one pet with no known image. |
The Dark Matter Signature Big Mascot is a one-of-one pet that is so rare it doesn’t even have an image. It is a dark matter version of the signature big mascot, which has been signed by Preston himself.