Welcome to the guide on how to find the traveling merchant in the exciting Cat World update of Pet Simulator X on Roblox. This update brings a lot of new content, including the mystical helicopter cat, stronger chests, and more.
In this article, we will focus on locating the traveling merchant and how to get the most out of it.
- How to Find the Traveling Merchant
- When Does the Traveling Merchant Come in Pet Simulator X
- Acquiring the New Pets From The Merchant
How to Find the Traveling Merchant
The Traveling Merchant in Pet Simulator X is a valuable source of powerful pets and exclusive items that can significantly enhance your gameplay experience.
This elusive merchant can only be found in two specific locations within the game: the Shop area of Spawn World and the Trading Plaza, which is cleverly hidden behind the rows of eggs available for players to hatch.
Shop Area of Spawn World
The first potential location where the Traveling Merchant may appear is the Shop area of Spawn World.
To find the merchant, keep a close eye on the chat box for the announcement that the merchant has arrived, and quickly head to the Shop area to browse the unique offerings.

Trading Plaza
The second possible location for the Traveling Merchant is the Trading Plaza, a tucked-away spot situated behind the rows of eggs that players can hatch to acquire new pets.
This less conspicuous location can be slightly more challenging to find, so it is essential to be familiar with the game’s layout and pay close attention to the chat box for any indications of the merchant’s arrival.
When Does the Traveling Merchant Come in Pet Simulator X
There are three ways for players to know when the Mystery Merchant spawns in Pet Simulator X:
Regularly Check the Chat Box
The traveling merchant spawns every hour in the game. Keep an eye on the chat box for the message “Traveling Merchant has arrived” to know when the merchant has spawned.
Use a Private Server
For the best results and to avoid competition, it is recommended to join a private server when trying to find the traveling merchant. This will give you more chances to get the new pets without having to worry about other players.
Camping at the Merchant
To maximize your chances of getting the new pets, you can camp at the merchant spawn point. This strategy works particularly well with new updates, as the merchant will appear hourly with valuable pets.
Acquiring the New Pets From The Merchant

The new helicopter cat pets can be quite expensive, with the rainbow variant costing 688 million gems and the gold variant costing 268 million gems. Make sure you save up enough gems to purchase the pets when the merchant appears.
When the traveling merchant arrives, buy as many pets as you can to increase your chances of getting the desired pets. There are typically around 5-6 pets available, so be prepared to spend your gems.
After acquiring the new pets, you can make them into dark matter pets to further increase their damage. This will significantly boost their damage output, making them extremely valuable assets in the game.
Once you have the new pets and have made them into dark matter, make sure to equip your best pets to maximize your damage. This will help you take down the Cat Kingdom chest more quickly and efficiently.
While waiting for the traveling merchant to appear again, you can farm the Cat Kingdom chest and auto hatch new pets at the egg. This will help you progress in the game and prepare for future updates.